But honestly, I don't know if anyone actually reads this, so what does it matter...
It has been a long time since I've updated. Almost two months, wow. Well, shit has been busy. School is stressful; life is changing; brain overloaded. I went through a minor bout of depression about a month ago, which is still somewhat hanging off my back. It was a pretty brutal and scary time for me... But, I'm pretty good for the time being.
As for school, I'm just extremely unmotivated. It seems ever since midterms I've just been in the whole "fuck it" mindset. I've had mountainous amounts of work, most of which I have not done. I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I've been distracted, and just overall unmotivated. But, it's getting into crunch time. I'm hoping I can get back into the rhythm soon.
I've tried really hard recently to keep in contact with a lot of friends that I've lost touch with. A lot of people from highschool that I sort of regret not hanging out and talking with more often. This whole depression and change in situation seems to have caused me to regret a lot of stuff. It's like I've started to look at my life from a different angle... I'm telling you now, growing up is scary, confusing, and unexpected.
Well, I've avoided sleep for long enough. Hopefully writing this was a good remedy for my insomnia. G'night, dear readers.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Oh, hey there. It's been a while.