Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random Thoughts

Why is is that we are taught to hide emotion? It is almost widely expected of men to hold back tears, but even women hide their faces when they cry. A great example of this expected unemotional mask is the military. During ceremonies and such, the soldiers must hold blank faces. Emotion is seen as unprofessional and immature. It's as though emotion is seen as an element of weakness. I think it's one of the main aspects of our humanity, and should be embraced.

Though people argue that pets show emotion, it has no real grounds for argument. It's pretty much widely accepted that the animal kingdom thrives on instinct and impulse, therefore reassuring the aforementioned uniqueness that emotion plays for our humanity. Our emotions define us, yet an excess expression of such is shunned and looked down upon.

I totally suffer from the inability to show emotion. I really wish I could, but it has been hardwired into my brain. Since puberty, I can count the number of times I've cried on one hand, and I've been very emotionally detached from my family and many of my friends. Unless I'm talking about something for which I'm passionate, conversation is either monotonous or nonexistent. It's truly a terrible thing, but it is something that we lose as we develop in the economically-driven world that we live in.

I watched a video a while ago which sparked this idea. I'm certain there is much more to discuss, but I've put myself out there. I truly wish that our emotion can be seen as something beautiful and unique, but I doubt that will ever be the case. Keep dreaming, friends; keep smiling, keep crying, keep laughing, keep expressing oneself.